Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Weekly Update 4

Progress over the past week
I am still gathering my data layers and narrowing down land parcels consisting of open spaces. I still need to add in wetlands and I hope to be able to intersect vacant land with wetlands to better represent turkey habitat.
I have been able to narrow down my map to the Town of Colonie and I have decided that I am not going to further narrow my study area to Latham, Loudonville, and Newtonville.
Here is what I have done so far on my draft map, showing the vacant land in the Town of Colonie with roads and railways.

Plans for the upcoming week

This week, I plan on finishing gathering the correct layers... I need to finish finding the Open-space, Wetlands, Woodlands, Roads, Railways, and Parking lots and compile everything.


When I combine roads, hwys, and rail with vacant land/wetlands should I use a union? I feel like there are a ton of different ways to go about each step and I never know if I am doing it the right way!


  1. This map looks really good so far! I think your decision not to narrow down may be for the best, especially because those areas are hard to define. I am finishing up collecting my layers, but hopefully I can help answer your question when I get further along as I am sure I may have the same issue so I'll keep you posted if I can get you the answer! I'm interested to see what your map will look like next week!

  2. I also like the updated map! I can see the progression towards a more professional looking map. I'm not completely sure if you should use a union to combine those layers, but I can try and figure it out and let you know if I do!
